maakleerplek is a space where Leuven-based companies, schools, artists and Leuven residents learn, create and work together. The site – for and by the people of Leuven – is located at the Vaartkom, in the old industrial heart of the city.
Together, we try to find answers to several of today and tomorrow’s societal, social, economic, ecological and cultural challenges. At maakleerplek we create space and time to try out the unprecedented. Here, we create the future. Together. Because everybody has the ability to learn and create.
maakleerplek is facilitated by the city of Leuven and project developer Ertzberg.

maakleerplek is an ESF pioneer project within the Flemish transition area “live, learn and work in 2050”. At maakleerplek we are looking for ways to start building a better future today.
maakleerplek is a space where the people of Leuven get to create things together, exchange knowledge and share tools and materials. Everybody is welcome.
maakleerplek is an open space. There is room for everyone in and around Leuven, to experiment together and try out ideas for a better future, with current living conditions as a matter of prime concern. Anyone who comes to maakleerplek gets to shape new practices working shoulder to shoulder with other people, constantly learning from what they are doing and who they are working with.